Sunday, November 12, 2006


It's been far too long since I posted about the cats, don't you think?

Here, Chrissy is modelling her new bed (which was meant for Pippi, but got annexed by the People's Republic of Chrissy). Pippi is deliberately looking elsewhere, sitting on the arm of the chair.

I beg of you, please ignore the atrocious curtains. *shudder* There's some bloke in the chair, but no one pays him much attention...

This one really demonstrates Chrissy's extreme cuteness:

And here she is being a true writer's cat. That's where she is right now, catching the heat at the top of my overhead stack of papers.

I'll try and remember to post some pictures of Cleo soon. First I have to catch her being still for more than a second.

And yes, then it's Minnie's turn. Four cats.

Now whose idea was that?

*looks innocent*


At 5:43 am, Blogger Anne McAllister said...

Chrissie looks to have taken over the entire household. Very impressive, Anna! Looking forward to more pix, as you can imagine.

At 8:08 am, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Yes, she has, Anne! I'll post more catty pics when I get back... still chasing Cleo!


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