Thursday, August 11, 2005

Cumbria - Brace for Impact

I have a few really good friends that I don't see nearly often enough.

Here are some of them:-

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From left to right me, Kate Walker (link to eHarlequin sponsored blog), Biddy Coady and Julie Cohen.

Happily, sometimes one or two of them make the Great Trek northwards to Cumbria to visit me. Today it's Biddy's turn. Yay!

The great tragedy is that I'm on antibiotics and can't drink.



And just to prove we're completely ready, here is a picture of the spare room, ready and waiting, with Minnie guarding Biddy's bed for her.

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At 11:55 am, Blogger Sela Carsen said...

The photo is wonderful! *sniff* I want to stay in your spare room and get cat hair all over me.

At 12:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could be with you this weekend - but I have this nasty thing called a deadline!

But there will be October . . .

Have a wonderful time with Biddy - give her a hug from me. And tell Minnie to keep the bed warm for when I come to visit

At 5:21 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

That cat is ALL MINE!!!

At 9:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I am sooooo jealous!!!!

Biddy, please give Anna a big huge hug and don't let her go for a long time because I miss her so much!

And then there's that whole going to Cumbria jealousy thing.

You know, all of these problems would totally be solved if I could just become a bestselling author so I could afford all that travel!

At 12:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm so sorry you can't imbibe, Anna, but I bet Biddy can drink enough for both of you. :)

At 8:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a fab time, Anna!

Message for Biddy: drink a glass of wine for me. And play Anna lots of Keith. :)))

At 1:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Picture!!

Have fun visitng...and check Biddy's bags for the cat when she leaves. LOL

At 3:55 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I had a wonderful time!! But why does everyone think I like a drink??

At 10:48 pm, Blogger Bronwyn Jameson said...

What a gorgeous spare room, Anna. I swear, you're going to have to open up as a B&B to accommodate all the visiting writers!

At 8:26 am, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Biddy's right, we did have a wonderful time!

Hi Bronwyn! Lovely to 'see' you. :-D

Writers are always welcome at our place *bobbing eyebrows* - I love having guests.


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