Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fear the Camera

I keep telling Husband that if he let me take ordinary, everyday photos, he wouldn't get caught on candid camera and revenged on the internet for failing to let me win an argument.

Fear the woman with the camera, dude.

... Posted by Picasa

(Thanks for the smiley cat, Bronwyn - I did indeed grin like a loon)


At 8:18 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey I can see a LOSER in that picture!! Mwahahahahahaha

At 1:37 pm, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Husband has told me to tell you that his mother says he's a special boy with hidden talents...


And for the uninitiated, Husband was the only one NOT to win at Trivial Pursuit when Biddy visited.



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