Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Reasons to be Squeeful (again)

It's a small thing, but nonetheless a good reason to go, "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" at the top of my voice, and a great Valentine's Day present.

Go to Medallion Press's site, and then you can go two ways.

You can either click on Genres, Romance, Emerald/Romantic Suspence and scroll down to 2008 releases,


You can click on authors, scroll down to the Ls, and click on my name.

It's real. I'm real. So's the book.

What an amazing thing.

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At 9:43 am, Blogger Jessica Raymond said...

Congratulations, Anna! Looking forward to seeing your cover.

Jess x

At 9:46 am, Blogger Michelle Styles said...


Reasons to be squeeful indeed.

You will be holding your book in your hands before you know it.

At 10:32 am, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Oh me too, Jessica! I have no idea when that will be, though.

Thank you Michelle! The prospect of holding my book in my hands actually makes me feel faint. I think I can just about cope with a 'coming soon' notice at the moment!

At 1:44 pm, Blogger Sherry Jones said...

Aaaaah... the sweet smell of success! Enjoy, babes.

At 1:49 pm, Blogger Unknown said...


At 4:12 pm, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Thank you Shara! Thank you Biddy!

It's all just so new you know?

At 4:15 pm, Blogger Danielle Marie Peck said...

WooHoo!!! That's so very awesome! I'm thrilled for you. Bask in the glow of success while you have it....then move over so the rest of us can have some :o)

At 6:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exciting!!! Enjoy each moment of this time.

Lori :)

At 7:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, Anna - delighted for you! Know what? It gets better and better and better. Wait till you're holding the actual book. And then there's spotting it on the shelves (or getting someone to take a pic of it overseas on a shelf), and...

Excellent. :o)

At 2:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So excited for you Anna! I've dreamed of this moment for you. You of all people so richly deserve to be published! Can't wait to see your cover.

At 5:32 pm, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

LOL Danielle! Share the glow all you want... ;-)

Thank you Lori! I'm definitely enjoying all the little milestones in this.

Oh yes, Kate! I'll have to have someone take pictures of it on the shelf...

Aw, Shaz, thank you. :-) *sniff* That's really touching.

At 9:59 pm, Blogger Nell Dixon said...

Congratulations, Anna! I am so thrilled for you.

At 1:12 pm, Blogger Beth Ciotta said...

Goooooooooo, Anna! Isn't it a thrilling feeling. And think, this is only the beginning. :)

At 6:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't WAIT to read this Anna!!! Sounds absolutley awesome.

At 9:03 pm, Blogger Gabriele Campbell said...

That's so cool. Congrats.

One day ... *grin* But seriously, Medallion Press is a publisher that does Historical Fiction, so there's a wee chance. :)

At 10:43 am, Blogger Anna Louise Lucia said...

Thank you Nell! Maybe this conference I won't be crying into your soup, huh? ;-)

Thanks Beth! I'm way too thrilled, I must confess. :-D

More than a wee chance, I'd say, Gabrielle! Their website currenlty says that they're very keen to acquire, "Historical Fiction, with or without a romantic element, but straight fiction as opposed to romance." I don't know if this is a good fit for you, but they do acquire historical romance, too.

At 5:23 pm, Blogger Gabriele Campbell said...

Thank you.
I write straight historical fiction without romance. :) And historical Fantasy - blame it on a certain plotbunny that won't go away.

At 1:50 am, Blogger Shannon Stacey said...

OMG, that is wicked cool! I can't wait to see the cover, because I think Medallion does wonderfully striking covers, and I can't wait until the "stalking the bookshelves with my cellphone camera" stage begins. :)


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